Monday, December 29, 2008

Bug Story

Around second grade, somewhere in September and October i found a praying mantis on the front door. I thought it was a different bug. My dad kicked it but i told him not to because it is illegal to kill a praying mantis. I thought it was dead, but it was not. It creeped into our plants.

Elegant Grasshopper

Grasshoippers are best known for athletic leaps and chirping calls, but this flashy African jumper has a much nastier surprise in store. It's poisonous. The elegant grasshopper eats toxic plants and stores the toxins in its body as a defense against hungry predators. Most enemies know they should leave them alone. Zonocerus elegans is found from South Africa to Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zaire and Angola. The other type of elegant grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus, is widespread in western and eastern Africa south of the Sahara. Both are equally happy in semidesert, dry forest, savannah, subtropical rain forest, farmland, or even gardens and they can be serious crop pests.

Armored Ground Crickets

Armored Ground Crickets are found throughout most part of Africa. Only the sandy deserts are too inhospitable for them. The species that inhabit mainly southern Africa are known as "koringkriek," an Afrikaans word meaning "wheat cricket." In some years, plagues of the insects appear, posing a serious threat to cereal crops. Armored Ground Crickets have armor that looks like spikes. Armored Ground Crickets do not waste anything, even the corpses of their comrades. When an Armored Ground Cricket dies, the other crickets feed on its flesh.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

House centerpied

I found a house centerpied in the bathroom. It was fast and i got scared. It had so many legs. 100 actually. Iwas trapped in the bathroom in the corner. Then my mom came. I said it was right next to her and she screamed. After we took it outside, we went online to see what kind of centerpied it was.

From daily bug

Hi this is daily bug. This is my first time doing a blog. I like taking pictures of bugs and studying them. My favorite bug is the praying mantis. I like bugs because there is a lot of bugs with different cultures. They also have different eating all around the world. I also like them because they help us a lot. You know why the praying mantis is my favorite? Because it does a lot of things for us. it's a big bug that kills the bad bugs.